Friday, August 04, 2006

It's Only Money

Yes, indeed. It's only money. And sex is just a way to kill time on a Saturday night. We have gone through all manor of acquiring children:
  • Deidre just "happened" (the only thing interesting about this conception was the way my wife told me -- I had an appointment to go to the doctor's with a sperm sample in hand...well, in cup. We were in that risky demographic for parent-wannabes: over 35 -- Donna handed me the as-yet unused cup and said "you don't need to do this now". Romantic, eh?)
  • Alaina was IVF try number 3. It took two years, one miscarriage and two failed IVF tries. Oh, and $15,000 out of pocket.
  • Andre took 22 months and over $40,000.

Or, put differently:

Conceiving Deidre for free after 7 months of trying? $0

Conceiving Alaina after three IVF courses, $15,000

Buying Andre from a currency-starved foreign country, Priceless.

Here is a breakdown of the adoption expenses...note: if you are financially faint-of-heart (or faint of wallet, as it were), read no further!

Agency Fee: $4,000 (World Child International)

Baby Home "Donation": $14,000

Notaries and Apostilles: $2,450

Doctors' Appointments (not covered by insurance): $1,600

Air Travel (three trips from NY to Perm, Russia): $11,000

Hotel (14 nights in Perm, 2 in Moscow): $2,150

Food and Booze: $1,600

Gifts: $300

Drivers: $700

Immigration Fees (US and Russia): $3,200
